Faculty of Department of Psychology
Journal Papers
- Wei-Ping Wang;Chi-Tai Huang*, 2021.12, 'Action Familiarity Leads Infants to Privilege Goals in Their Imitation of Others’ Acts, ' Chinese Journal of Psychology, Vol.63, No.4, pp.335-356.(*為通訊作者)
- 鍾宛玲;黃啟泰*, 2017.05, '二歲幼兒在工具使用情境下的觀察學習:模仿與仿效, ' 中華心理學刊, Vol.59, No.1, pp.29-44.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;姜忠信;洪兆怡, 2016.12, 'Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Imitate in the Context of others’ prior intention, ' Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice, pp.1-9.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 楊悅如;黃啟泰*, 2016.03, '嬰兒的選擇性模仿:動作─效果整合或目的推理?, ' 高雄行為科學學刊, Vol.5, pp.7-25.(台灣學智慧藏)(*為通訊作者)
- 鍾宛玲;黃啟泰*, 2015.10, '前置意圖與因果理解對幼兒觀察學習他人錯誤的影響, ' 中華心理學刊, Vol.57, No.3, pp.213-227.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;林奕安, 2015, '起始運動方向與投球程序對幼兒重力偏誤的影響, ' 中華心理學刊, Vol.57, No.2, pp.145-154.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2013.11, 'Contexts of a persons''s prior intentions facilitate observational learning in 2.5-year-old children, ' Cognitive Development, Vol.28, No.4, pp.374-385.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 麻筱涵;黃啟泰*;楊立行, 2013.06, '三歲幼兒的認知彈性:刺激熟悉度與命名方式在向度改變卡片分類作業的角色, ' 中華心理學刊, Vol.55, No.2, pp.201-215.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃啟泰*, 2012.05, 'Outcome-based observational learning in human infants, ' Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol.126, No.2, pp.139-149.(SSCI, SCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃啟泰*, 2006.10, 'Action representation in object-related imitation in infants and preschoolers: A preliminary study, ' Tzu-Chi University Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.5, pp.173-198.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃啟泰*;Heyes, C. M.;Charman, T., 2006, 'Preschoolers’ behavioural reenactment of “failed attempts”: The roles of intention-reading, emulation and mimicry, ' Cognitive Development, Vol.21, pp.36-45.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹, 2006, 'Infants’ and preschoolers’ imitation of object manipulation: The influences of movement path, perceptual saliency and task constraints, ' Chinese Journal of Psychology, Vol.48, pp.13-33.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;Charman, T., 2005, 'Gradations of emulation learning in infants’ imitation of actions on objects, ' Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Vol.92, pp.276-3302.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃啟泰;Heyes, C. M.;Charman, T.*, 2002, ' Infants’ behavioral reenactment of failed attempts: Exploring the roles of emulation learning, stimulus enhancement, and understanding of intentions, ' Developmental Psychology, Vol.38, pp.840-855.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Charman, T.*;黃啟泰, 2002, 'Delineating the role of emulation learning and stimulus enhancement in the behavioral reenactment paradigm, ' Developmental Science, Vol.5, pp.25-26.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Conference Papers
- Jin-Zhou He;Chi-Tai Huang*, 2024.07, 'The influence of animacy on infants’ goal representation of rational actions, ' ICIS 2024 Abstract Book, International Congress of Infant Studies, pp.744.(*為通訊作者)
- Hsueh-Ching Huang;Chi-Tai Huang*, 2024.07, 'Two-year-Olds’ communicative behaviors in video chat, ' ICIS 2024 Abstract Book, International Congress of Infant Studies, pp.886.(*為通訊作者)
- Chi-Tai Huang*;Yue-Ting Lee, 2023.10, 'The influence of pedagogical demonstrators on infants’ generalized imitation, ' 2023 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies, 臺灣師範大學幼兒與家庭科學學系.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃雪靖;黃啟泰*, 2023.10, '幼兒在視訊情境中的溝通行為, ' 於 2023 年台灣心理學年會, 台灣心理學學會.(*為通訊作者)
- Hsueh-Ching Huang;Yue-Ting Lee;Chi-Tai Huang*, 2023.06, 'Infants imitatively generalize others’ acts in third-party contexts, ' The 52nd annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Jean Piaget Society.(*為通訊作者)
- Yue-Ting Lee;Chi-Tai Huang*, 2023.06, 'The influence of pedagogical cues on infants’ generalized imitation, ' The 52nd annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Jean Piaget Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;王維屏, 2022.06, '目標導向的模仿理論再探, ' 科技部心理學門成果發表研討會, 科技部人文司.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2021.10, 'To do or to know in cognitive development during infancy, ' 第60屆台灣心理學年會研討會, 台灣心理學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 鍾宛玲*;黃啟泰, 2021.10, 'Observing mistakes influences 2-year-olds learning about tool-use acts, ' 第60屆台灣心理學年會研討會, 台灣心理學會.(*為通訊作者)
- Jin-Zhou He*;Chi-Tai Huang, 2021.08, 'Do robots have minds? Lessons from the study of goal attribution of inanimate objects in infancy, ' 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), IEEE.(*為通訊作者)
- Chi-Tai Huang*;Wei-Ping Wang, 2020.01, 'Action familiarity and action efficiency modulate goal emulation in 18-month-old infants, ' BCCD 2020 Program And Abstracts, Central European University, pp.86.(*為通訊作者)
- 鍾宛玲;黃啟泰*, 2018.10, '因果理解在幼兒觀察學習工具使用的角色, ' 台灣心理學會第57屆年會暨心理學科普營, 台灣心理學會.(*為通訊作者)
- Chi-Tai Huang*;Chih-Ting Tsao, 2018.05, 'The role of accuracy and gender role in preschoolers’ selective requests for information, ' 2018 Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, Jean Piaget Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 王維屏;黃啟泰*, 2017.04, 'Movement Direction Cue Influences Infants' Imitation of Goals, ' Society for Research in Child Development, SRCD.(*為通訊作者)
- 楊悅如;黃啟泰*, 2017.04, 'Action Efficacy Influences Selective Imitation in Infants, ' Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, SRCD.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2015.10, 'Selective Imitation in Ostensive-Communicative Contexts, ' Perspectives on the Ontogeny of Mutual Understanding, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.(*為通訊作者)
- 鍾宛玲;黃啟泰*, 2015.10, '幼兒在人與無人示範情境下的觀察學習, ' 2015年台灣心理學會年會暨「學習、教學、與評量」國際研討會, 台灣心理學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 姜忠信*;黃啟泰;洪兆怡, 2015.05, 'Understanding of Prior Intention in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ' International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) 2015, International Society for Autism Research.(*為通訊作者)
- 張佩雯;黃啟泰*, 2015.03, 'Observational Learning in Ghost Conditions: the Roles of Agency and Affordance Learning, ' 2015 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;陳宜君;鍾宛玲, 2013.04, 'Contexts of prior intention facilitate observational learning of a two-step task in two-year-old children, ' 2013 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;趙婉婷;黃思賓, 2012.06, 'Infants' observational learning through 'ghost' conditions: The roles of teleological representation and affordance learning, ' International Conference on Infant Studies, International Society on Infant Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2010.07, 'Exploring developmental continuity between action processing and action imitation, ' Kavli Satellite Meeting: Social Learning in Humans and Non-human Animals: Theoretical and Empirical Dissections, The Royal Society (英國皇家學會).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;陳曉華, 2010.03, ' Infants track goals across agents: Links between action processing and action imitation, ' The XVIIth International Conference on Infant Studies, 2010, International Society on Infant Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;陳曉華, 2009.04, 'Eight-month-old infants'' visual tracking of actions produced by human and object agents, ' SRCD 2009 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;黃冠潔;蔡梅君;陳曉華;林美宇, 2008.03, 'The roles of prior intentions and object affordances in 2-year-olds'' use of context information to imitate a complex tool use, ' The XVIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, International Society on Infant Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;陳曉華, 2007.11, 'Infants attribute goals to acts produced by human and object agents, ' Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems, pp.197-198.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹;蔡梅君, 2007.06, 'Goal complexity modulates imitation of object-related acts in 18-month-old infants, ' The 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Jean Piaget Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2007.06, 'Exploring the roles of end-state emulation, goal emulation and mimicry in infants’ imitation of acts on objects, ' The 37th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Jean Piaget Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*, 2007.03, 'Goal complexity influences imitation of object-related acts in 12- to 18-month-old infants, ' SRCD 2007 Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹, 2006.06, 'Developmental changes in mimicry and emulation learning in infants’ imitation of actions on objects, ' The XVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, International Society on Infant Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹, 2006.06, 'Goal-directed imitation in 16-month-old infants: The influences of movement path, spatial compatibility and intention reading, ' The XVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, International Society on Infant Studies.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹, 2005.10, 'The influences of movement path, outcome saliency, and task constraints on imitation in infants and toddlers, ' The 44th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Psychological Association, Taiwan Psychological Association.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃啟泰*;Charman, T., 2005.06, 'Gradations of emulation learning in infants’ imitation of actions on objects, ' St. Andrews International Conference on Animal Social Learning, University of St. Andrews.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃啟泰*;江欣茹, 2005.04, 'Action representation in 17- and 29-month-old children’s imitation of acts on objects, ' 2005 SRCD Biennial Meeting, Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).(*為通訊作者)
Book Edited
- 黃啟泰*, 2001, 'Imitation: A paradigm for studying children’s understanding of intentional actions, ' Ph.D. thesis, Unpublished.(*為通訊作者)
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Year of award
- Name of award
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- Education
- GBR/University College London
- Psychology
- Ph.D.
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- Education
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- Education
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- 教授
- 心理學系
- 2016-08 ~ 2024-02
- Title
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- 副教授
- 心理學系
- 2010-08 ~ 2016-08